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What We Believe: The Philosophy Of H.P.E.
by Mark Cammack May 29, 2018
We emphasize creativity over conformity. If we desire to find solutions that will benefit others, we must be creative. We look and think outside of the box.
Environments can create success. A person is part of their surroundings. Every factor should be considered and none overlooked. We believe in positive, healthy, performance promoting environs.
We believe that what we do should bring happiness to others and ourselves. When this is done, performance can also improve. It is a win-win victory.
We believe in developing ourselves so that we can better serve others. Knowledge or skill is only good if you do good with it.
We are builders of systems that enhance performance and life abilities. A key is to do only that which builds and helps someone else. When you help others, your own life is better.
We believe that the power of the individual contributes to a stronger team. We are all different so that we can meet the needs of each other.
We believe in the freedom of ideas, not bureaucracy.
Persistence makes the difference.
Photos adapted by author from these original works of:
Cat Looking Out Of Trunk by Alexas Fotos Alexandra/München
Good Vibes Only by Ashley Whitlatch
Smiling Daughter by Michael Dam
Good Idea by Michal Jarmoluk
Workbench by Caleb Woods
Team Together and Lady with Freedom Flag by rawpixel
Lady Scaling Cliffside by Jackson Hendry
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